Liberty, Sunflower Maze, and Tomatoes

The Ripe and Ready list is growing! This week we have added Liberty to the list.
Liberty are a deep red apple that are tart and crisp. They are our favorite choice for drying apples.
We are quickly going through our Honeycrisp crop this year, so make sure to visit us soon if you were still hoping to pick some of these this season.
Our Sunflower Maze is in full bloom! It is an actual maze this year with grass paths for easy strolling. The sunflowers are available for u-pick as well as the u-cut dahlias and other flowers. Pre-picked bouquets are also ready and available at the stand on weekends.
Watermelon are still plentiful in the field for u-pick and available at the stand for we-pick.
Tomatoes have loved the sunshine we have been having. This heat has ripened a lot of our Romas. The slicers are ripening nicely too. The Peppers are in abundance and the Cucumbers are coming back as well.
Pears are temporarily sold out but we should have more Ripe and Ready the weekend of the 13th.

Ruby Mac

Mon-Sat 8am-6pm
Sunday 11am-6pm

4925 Rockdale St NE, Brooks, OR 97305
