2024 Season Is Coming Soon

August is almost here and we are eagerly awaiting the start of our 2024 Apple Season! The apples are looking wonderful but just need a little more time to ripen. The Gravensteins are looking great and should be ready to start picking in a couple weeks. 
Our Tomatoes and Peppers are also looking fantastic and should be ready to start picking at the same time as the Apples. So just a couple weeks!
This year we had a little extra space and decided to try Cucumbers! We grew two rows of pickling cucumbers at the very front of our tomato area. A new crop always means learning new things! This year we learned that we planted the Cucumbers just a little early for our schedule. That means we have a limited supply of our Cucumbers ready right now! So if you are ready for some pickling, we have some ready to be picked. We are not open for the season yet so they will run on a self-serve basis with payment being exact change or check dropped in the office door.
Watermelon are coming along and should be ripening in early September along with our Pumpkins.
We will send out posts here, as well as on all of our social media outlets, as soon as we know our official opening date. Can't wait to see you all and get the season started!
