The third week of the Largest Apple Contest has a winner! Kelsey won week #3 with a Golden Delicious Apple weighing in at 1.04 pounds. We are amazed each week at the bigger and bigger apples you all are finding. Congratulations to Kelsey, you won two free buckets of u-pick apples. We start our final week, week #4 today, so make sure to stop in at the Apple stand and have your largest apple weighed to enter week #4. The winner will receive TWO FREE BUCKETS of u-pick apples!
We have Pumpkins waiting to be found in the Pumpkin Patch. All sizes of jack-o-lanterns ready to be picked and carved. We would love to see how you have decorated your homes with our pumpkin assortment this year!
Tomatoes are doing great. Specifically the Roma Tomatoes. If you were still wanting to get some canned, we have them ready to be picked.
Apples are doing great! As we near the last weeks of the season, you do have to venture further down the rows to find Apples. We have orange cones down the rows indicating where the loaded trees can be found. Trees will be empty until you get to those cones. Don't feel like you can make the long walk down the rows? Just gives us a call or send us a message and we will have a Beilke Box picked and ready for you for pickup.
Golden Delicious
Gold Rush
Granny Smith
Cripps Pink
Mon-Sat 8am-6pm
Sunday 11am-6pm
4925 Rockdale St NE, Brooks, OR 97305