The lovely Ruby Jon is ready to pick! Such a beautiful apple.
In my opinion, it's the best apple for applesauce!
A medium to small size apple. If you like Jonathon apples, these are very similar, and great for baking. Pick early if you want a good crunch for eating. If left hanging for awhile, I would recommend them more for baking and applesauce.
Compared to Ruby Mac (similar looking apple), I would say these are a tiny bit sweeter, more red, a tiny bit smaller and probably don't keep quite as long. But like I said earlier, SO great for applesauce. If you leave some peel on, it tints the applesauce a little pink.
Also Available:
Honeycrisp: Just finished mowing down these rows and there is TON left.
Gala: Lots and lots and perfect eating right now.
Ruby Mac: Still 3/4 of a row and still very crunchy.
Smoothie: Maybe 15 trees full left. Most likely gone by the end of the weekend. Goodness, they are gorgeous! Still very firm and crunchy.
Next Up:
Likely Melrose, Liberty and a tiny bit behind those, Jonagold. Will post when they are ready.
Whew, almost made it through this hot weather. 80 degrees we are ready for you!