Season Starts Monday, August 12

Apple Season Is Here! We are starting with our Gravensteins. Gravensteins are a highly sought after traditional apple that are not known for their beauty, even seeming a bit ugly to us. But, boy do they make wonderful applesauce and pies. They go super fast every year so make sure to head out to the orchard soon if you were hoping to pick some this year. Gala should be popping up soon as well and will be quickly followed by Honeycrisp and Ruby Mac.
Tomatoes, Peppers, and Cucumbers are ready as well! We grew even more peppers and tomatoes this year and planted them sooner so we have a good amount of ripe and ready to be picked available now.
Watermelon, Sunflowers, and Pumpkins will be ready closer to the beginning of September.

We look forward to welcoming you all back out to the orchard!