Jonagold are ripe now.
We marked the row that we think is the most ripe. In a week, you could probably pick off any of the Jonagold rows. We have Jonagolds in 3 different place (just so you know!)
A small amount of Ruby Mac left but they are soon coming to an end.
Still lots of Honeycrisp, Gala and Smoothies (type of Golden Delicious).

Example of a Jonagold apple. (They are huge!!)
I am totally bias but Jonagold are my absolute favorite. I think because they make great applesauce and I love just eating them. Plus they are usually nice and big!
We made some "Pick Here" signs this year. It should make it much easier for you all to find what rows are ripe.
Thanks for letting me take your picture! They picked several different kind of apples! The apples looked so tasty.
Getting the combine ready for another flower seed harvest.
Poppy seed head.
Dumping the flower seed into a seed box.
This header is so big we it takes up 2 lanes of traffic. We have to put it on a trailer to haul it between fields.
This creature was crawling around on me and I didn't even notice!! Pretty cool praying mantis.
That's a long way up!
The poppy seed. Still needs to be cleaned. Has a lot of trash in it, like small plant stem pieces, etc.
Today we are working on getting the radish seed harvested!