Swathing is when we cut the grass seed fields and lay it into rows so it has a chance to dry out. Later we pick it up with a combine (those big machines that inch along in the fields and blow out lots of dust) and it separates the seed from the stalk. We collect the seed and the stalk either gets bailed for animals to eat or mowed up.
We have to swath in the night hours when there is dew on the grass seed because it helps the seed not break off as easy and fall to the ground. Once the seed hits the ground, we have no way to pick it up so we want as little shattering as possible.
The timing of when you swath a field is very important too. If you swath the grass before it is ready, you will have seed that won't sprout later. If you harvest too late, the seed can shatter on the ground much more and you lose much yield. The Tall Fescue type of grass seed usually is ready to harvest around the 4th of July. It is also when our blueberries are normally ready to harvest so July is a busy time around here. It is an exciting time though because you get to bring the crop in and find out the yield and quality and gauge how the farming year is going to go.
We only have a short night of swathing left. Soon it will be combining time! Then our schedule switches and we combine from around 11am to 11pm depending on if it's cloudy or not.
Well there's a peak into the farm life right now! If you want to know about u-pick blueberry picking, keep scrolling below.
U-Pick/We-Pick Blueberries are still in full swing! We have some Dukes left to pick and will probably be opening the Bluecrop field to pick this week too. So you will have you choice! $1.20/lb. Our guess is u-pick will be available until the end of July!
It is also Sweetheart cherry time! Available in pre-picked (no u-pick) at the stand at the blueberry u-pick field. About $2.50/lb.
We are now accepting credit card!! Welcome to the 21st Century Beilke Family Farm :) We also accept Farm Direct Nutrition coupons.
Open Wed-Sat, 9am to 4pm.
5371 Brooklake Rd NE, Brooks OR 97305
If you'd like a bulk order, please call ahead and we can get those picked for you. 503-393-1077. Feel free to leave a message please! Or you can email us at BeilkeFF@gmail.com.