Jonagold, Pears, and Sunflowers

The Jonagold have been added to the Ripe and Ready list! The Jonagold are sweet, crunchy, and we think they have a classic apple flavor. They are great for eating, applesauce, and pies.
Pears are ready! We are starting the season with our green Bartlett pears. They are pre-picked and ready at the stand.
Our Sunflower maze is just starting to bloom! And yes, we said MAZE! It has two entrances and lots of paths to explore. Try and find the picnic table in the middle.
We are so happy to see sooooo many buckets of tomatoes being picked this week. So many buckets in fact that we basically are picked out of ripe tomatoes! Even romas. In about a week this sunshine should ripen up all the green tomatoes we have on the vines. We will let you know when they are ready again. Cucumbers are in the same boat and should be ready again for picking in about a week. The peppers are still plentiful and ready for picking.
Pumpkins, Squash, and Gourds have about one more week and then will be ready as well.

Ruby Mac

Mon-Sat 8am-6pm
Sunday 11am-6pm

4925 Rockdale St NE, Brooks, OR 97305
